How to Save money at Novel T’s and get Free Popcorn
When we place our wholesale orders from suppliers to fill orders for our customers, we order extra pieces to ensure we have enough to complete the order. Over time, we accumulate a lot of extra merchandise in our storage. We need to get rid of it. Novel T’s Yard Sales are one way we use to clear some space. It’s a great opportunity to shop for brand new items at rock-bottom prices.
Don't miss this Week's Yard Sale
Saturday January 28, 2022
1616 S. Linden St.
Pine Bluff, AR
10 am to 2 pm only
Great for Crafters; Business owners and Bargain Shoppers
Brand New Sport Shirts as low as $5.00 ea
Brand New Caps as low as $3.00 ea
and More!!
Come to Novel T's
Saturday Yard Sale and Sample
John's Grub Hub's Delicious
Flavored Popcorn FREE